Breaking News: California has a State Bat!

Oct. 9, 2023

Flying over its last hurdle, the State Bat Bill (SB732) has been signed by Governor Newsom, and will become law in January 2024. This means that, just in time for Bat Week, the pallid bat is on the books to be the official State Bat of California.

California has a batty symbol for the first time in history. The pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) will take its place with other state symbols, like the poppy and the quail, to help celebrate the diversity and rich natural history of California.

Stay tuned for fun facts about pallid bats, images, and more. Meanwhile, three cheers to Naomi, the then-12-year-old author of the 2023 bill, for leading the effort and testifying in front of the state legislature, and to all who took part in supporting this important bill.

Hats off to our new State Bat, and to celebrating this vitally important, yet often unheralded, component of California's ecosystems.

For more background on the bill:

California may soon get a state bat - Politico article 8/16/23

CA State Parks reports on the State Bat Bill